The room makeover !
For years we wanted to make two rooms into one larger but we were not ready as for lack of time and also we knew it was a large project.
One room was the living room and the other just a place we stored "things needed" !
Around Feb 10th we decided we would start the whole makeover.
Tons of things to pack down and that took quite some days.
On the 15th we were able to start to take the wall downThis is the wall and roof and floor of the livingroom
first we removed the door and then a bit of the wall. The wall was double plaster with itching insulating in
When next part came down we found out the power to basement and barn went in this wall, not fun at all
as then we had to get the power from the garage, through the barn and down to the basement.
I am happy Thommy is licensed :)We also found out there was over an inch in roof level of the two rooms.
I hate plaster as it is spread in small pieces all over.
Here you can also see the next room which had 4 double wardrobes.
The sledge need to be used as the people putting up the wood used hundreds of extremely large nails.
Next to the floor they had nailed every third inch.
Disaster all over!!
Four double wardrobes had to be taken out and go with the garbage :)
As the roof where not in level, one has to be taken out. After this it was still 1" difference
We did put up new wood (1 ft CC) and got all in almost perfect level
We had a problem with the cabel from the central system, through the roof, down through the removed
wall, down to basement and out to the barn. Thommy removed it and installed from garage to barn and
down to the basement :)Some places was to be filled up with small pieces of wood so we could nail proper.
No we dont nail by hand :) we have three different hammers attached to an air compressor...
The new roofin is carried in and stored for some days
Then I got use for the PC drawings made earlier, where to put the LED lights and the preelectric things
could be done.
Next step was the inner roof, all from my drawings on the PC.
This is hard for the arms as for holding the pieces up, get them in correct position and nail them.
Holes for lamps was easy fixed and Thommy installed one after another
They are small :) but really nast good light and they are on a dimmer
And they are turnable :)
Inner roof is finished!! Light is on :)
Next step was to order the wallpaper - french ones !!!! and the floor carpet
And these wallpapers made me crazy!
I had to paint all walls white as it was required all walls had to have same colour on the back all over!
This made a delay of over one day!
Half done!!
Then the old black on sides of two windows had to come off:
No problem for Thommy and his tools
I did put in some extra insulations too :) while the sides where gone :)
Well, then have a look at the floor!
There is an inch difference in level too.
The sofa, table and rest of thigs moved out so we could get free space for preparing the flooring
We leveled up with floor plaster - I hate it!
And all holes where the screws wher put had to be grinded - guess who did that nast work!
Then the wallpapers arrived and Thommy read the instruction how to put them up as the pattern comes
back every 50 cm.
We did cut them on the floor, I did roll glue on the walls and Thommy did put the wallpapers up.
Looks great for the short wall...This was on Thursday March 10th and we finished two walls as the man,
Uffe, was coming to prepare for the floor to be done Friday at lunch
Uffe is an old friend and professional on floor/walls/ceramics and he has his own company.
He fixed his things in an hour :)
And on the Friday morning we continued with the rest of the walls and cleaning up.
Notice my laptop on the kitchen table :) never too far away :)
Also I love men hind the vaccum cleaner ....
Uffe and his son in law arrived after lunch with two large rolls of vinyl floor - Gerfloor :)
And they started their work at once, grinding where Uffe did put the filling on Thursday
Ooopps another handy man with the vaccum cleaner.
I asked him to come back every Friday at same time to do the weekly cleaning but he did not accept it
Carpet is rollred out
The pipe to the chimney is sticking out. This had to be taken to the blacksmith as the floor became just
under an inch higher and we did not want to open up the hole in the stones.
work work work
And then a coffea break with "semlor"
Some two hours later the floor was finished!!
It looks wood, feel like wood.
We decided to take this as for the dogs running around and som pups make a P :) and easy to clean.
Burner is back in but could not be installed until Monday
Wood parts next to the floor and the roof is still in garage...
As we could not do more Friday, we went and picked up the sofa we ordered some weeks ago :)
The wires hanging down are for the loudspeakers and subwoofer :)
Saturday afternoon and exhausted !
The sofa is GREAT to have a nap in too. I love the reclieners!
Then the coming week was a lot of wood details and painting out in the garage.
Monday I went to buy stuff for the curtains.
Its called Fairy Tale, and I had 27 meters of this exclusive Scandinavian Design and I can tell you it made
a large hole in the purse...
Cutting up 27 meters! crawling on the floor hurts in knees :( but after two days of sewing I ended up with
nice curtains for 5 windows.
I hate to have curtains made in thousands and found almost in every house you enter. I want my own style
and I enjoy producing them.
Also lamps was put up :)
And I did kill a couple of tigers to get covers/pillows for the sofa... :)
We use the sofa a lot and we are not always that clean when coming in and too lazy to get cloths on/off
all time :)
TV is back on the wall...
Cabels will be proper done later....
Two crates are in.....
And the burner is back working and warming in the chilly evenings :)
This is the end of my story the "Room makeover",
I hope you enjoyed the photos (just a part of all taken) and really hope you will understand what a job we
have done in 4 weeks!
Keep in mind we also have all terriers/kennels and thing to take care of and we are no youngsters any more.
Now furnitures has to be carried back and all books, porcelain, paintings and decorations has to be carried
down from second floor (read TONS) not this week mayby next.... and the rest of the house has to be cleaned
from dust (mostly from plaster and wood)
We will enjoy the new room :)